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Feminist Studies 101
“I cannot afford the luxury of fighting one form of oppression only. I cannot afford to believe that freedom from intolerance is the right of only one particular group.”
- Audre Lorde, “There is No Hierarchy of Oppressions”
Over the years people have asked me various questions about trans rights, here I lay them all out with answers and sources.
Abortion is a relatively new topic for modern times. Or is it?
Kitty Cone, disabled activist. This badass bitch, tho.
Civil rights activists have long fought for equality…. But what if they were wrong to do so?
Medical Model? Social Model? What are the primary ways of thinking about Disability?
They called her a “fire hazard” and tried to keep her from an education. She not only went to school, she also went to college and earned a Master’s in education, led multiple world-changing protests, worked for President Obama, and traveled the world making things better for folx with disabilities.
The ADA was only ever signed because Disabled activists stood up and demanded equity. Come and learn about the modern Disability Rights Movement!
What does ACAB mean? Why do people want to defund police? How, exactly, are modern police related to slave patrols? Let’s break it down.
Read TJ’s own words here. Let’s make history transparent. Content warning.
Once again, the NPS are the baddest bitches. Yosemite National Park on abortion???
Find out why this is an unhelpful line of thinking.