About Us
This website is still in Beta so welcome to our soft opening! The content is still somewhat limited as we are working to flesh out the “classes” and “readings” here. Please email me if you happen to notice any broken links or anything else wonky! Thank you for your patience, understanding and for your support!
Historically, feminism has been misunderstood by both feminists and those who do not align with the identity. Those who would consciously or subconsciously oppress women would vilify feminists and their ideals. And that is a problem.
But it is a bigger problem when feminists themselves misunderstand what feminism is. The problem is that when a person is raised in a society which oppresses one or more of their identities, they tend to internalize their own oppressions to varying levels. I myself, even after nearly two decades of active work in feminism and a formal education in Women’s Studies am still working on untangling my own internalized misogyny.
Furthermore, those with privileges are inherently unable to see those privileges until they actively learn them. This means that, historically, feminism has been messy and problematic.
Our Mission
The mission of Feminism 100 is to educate all who are willing to learn about the history and topics associated with feminism. The more we understand the systems at play in our society, the better and faster we can bring true equity to the world.
More specifically, our mission is to make education about feminist topics easy to understand and accessible. Education is vital and information should be free. When writing documents, we are careful to not only cite our sources, but we also aim, where possible, to use sources which are free to all. In this way, we encourage our readers to delve into their own research to confirm (or correct!) us and thus have a deeper grasp of not only the information presented, but also future research they may become interested in.
With this in mind, as we move forward in this work, we recognize that we cannot do this alone. We also recognize that white women have not, historically, been trustworthy towards anyone who faces more marginalized identities than we hold. With this in mind, we vow to listen and to accept critiques on our words and behaviors from folx who hold identities that we may not hold. We recognize that Black and Indigenous, as well as Jews, LGBTQIA+ and many other groups who have been systematically oppressed by our society have been doing this work for far longer and have much more skill and infrastructure in this area than white women have. With this platform, we vow to not speak over BIPOC and other activists of marginalized identities, but to lift their voices and messages and to link folx to information, resources, and people to follow.
What We Do and What We Believe In
Feminist theory from the basics to scholarly philosophy.
An honest history of feminism - no whitewashing!
Facts from reliable, accessible (where possible) sources to empower you with more information.
Deconstruction of common beliefs and ideals that have never served women or the marginalized.
Commitment to anti-racism and decolonization.
Badass Bitches, a series on important historical women and femmes
Educator materials - printable flyers/handouts for sex ed teachers, birth workers, and anyone else whose work occasionally covers these topics.
In the future we hope to offer classes, workshops, and community.