For Educators
Printable Handouts
Making education accessible is important to me! So I am creating a set of printable handouts for use by birth workers and educators of all sorts who may benefit from this material. Because I am a disabled creator, I do ask that you help support me by paying a donation. Suggested donation is $5 per handout per class, or free for my Patrons or others who donate on a yearly or monthly basis.
I have included all sources on these documents and wherever possible I try to use sources that are not behind a paywall so that students can confirm and learn more if they are interested. I have tried to create these with a clean design that is interesting, yet easy to read. And I have tried to make sure that they are printable in black and white as well as in color.
I am also happy to take feedback, correction (with sources), and ideas for future handouts/posts. Email me!